
With the term ‘peeling’ we mean the exfoliating substances that are used in aesthetic dermatology to remove part of the skin layers forcing it to regenerate. Depending on how deep they penetrate into the skin layers they are distinguished in superficial, medium-depth and deep peelings.

With the term ‘peeling’ we mean the exfoliating substances that are used in aesthetic dermatology to remove part of the skin layers forcing it to regenerate. Depending on how deep they penetrate into the skin layers they are distinguished in superficial, medium-depth and deep peelings.

Superficial and medium depth peelings are usually used more often as they cause removal of the superficial skin layers with short or zero recovery time.

The most popular superficial peelings are the α-hydroxy acids (AHAs) that are also known as fruit acids (glycolic, citric, lactic, mandelic and tartaric). Glycolic acid is the most commonly used in various concentrations. We usually start with a lower concentration and continue increasing it in the subsequent treatments as the skin "gets used to it" and becomes more tolerable. It should be good in the intervals of the treatments (every 7-15 days) to use a care cream with fruit acids that maintains the effect of the treatment. For a complete result, it takes 4-8 sessions depending on the skin type and the problem we would like to treat. Peelings with fruit acids are suitable for all ages and treat the problems of acne, oiliness, dull appearance, slight discoloration. They do not cause visible peel and one can return to his/her daily activities after the treatment with slight or no redness, which, if present, it lasts only for a day.

Their repeated use contributes to anti-aging and improves the texture and color tone of the skin.

In the category of superficial peelings also include β-hydroxy acids (BHAs) such as salicylic acid, which have a better effect on acne and oiliness.

The medium-depth peelings include trichloroacetic acid (TCA) which is used in concentrations of 20-50% and penetrates deeper into the skin causing visible exfoliation 3-4 days after its use. It is much more effective than superficial peelings and corrects fine lines (fine wrinkles), more intense discolorations, rough photo-aged skin and sudden onset of hyperkeratosis. It usually takes much less peelings (about 2-3) per year to maintain the result. We already have a dramatic improvement from the first treatment, but ideally we need a preparation with the use of cream for a few days before the treatment.

Peelings are treatments that are performed exclusively in winter to avoid the sun exposure of the exfoliated skin. It is always recommended to use sunscreen on a daily basis for a month after the last treatment to avoid freckles and discoloration. Peeling treatments are ideal for all skin types except very thin and dry skin. They are combined with all injectable treatments (Hyaluronic acid, Botox, Mesotherapy) and give a radiant, softer, younger looking skin with a more uniform color tone.

Video: Πήλινγκ προσώπου επιφανειακό


Peeling & Botulinum Toxin BEFORE-AFTER

Peeling & Botulinum Toxin BEFORE-AFTER

Peeling & Botulinum Toxin BEFORE-AFTER

Peeling & Botulinum Toxin BEFORE-AFTER



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