Facial Cleansing - Hydration

Facial cleansing - Hydration: The facial cleansing is a process that helps the removal of the excess sebum and the elimination of open comedones (blackheads), achieving a smoother skin and a more homogeneous skin texture.

Facial Cleansing - Hydration

The importance of hydration for the skin

The human skin performs many and complex functions. It is a protective barrier in relation to the external environment; it prevents the passage of bacteria, viruses and allergens in the body and inhibits the forces of friction, traction and impact. It also contributes to thermoregulation through sweating, it protects from the sun and free radicals and synthesizes (produces) Vitamin D.

Furthermore, through the sensory mechanism, it allows us to recognize through touch the external environment and to feel heat, cold, pressure, pain and vibration.

The human skin consists of three layers: the hypodermis (or subcutaneous tissue) which is the lowermost layer, the dermis that is found above the hypodermis and the epidermis that is the outermost layer of the skin. However, the epidermis also consists of several layers of cells which are constantly renewed as the damaged cells are replaced by new ones.

Through the epidermis, we lose water on a daily basis, i.e. we evaporate. However, its construction, through a hydrolipid layer that is formed by the cell membranes, allows retaining the moisture that is necessary for the proper functioning of cells and the body in general.

The importance of skin hydration is huge as without the necessary aqueous environment the functions of the skin are not performed effectively and the integrity of the skin barrier is lost.

The symptoms of skin dehydration are: dull skin, flaking, itching, redness, cracking skin, sensitivity to heat / cold / sun.

Which are the most suitable skincare products?

The skin hydration of the face and body is achieved with many different products depending on the age, the skin type (dry, normal, combination, oily), the season, the sex and the habits of everyone.

In general, the drier skin types needs more hydration with more lipid-based skincare products, while the oily skin types need more water-based skincare products as oily creams may cause extra oiliness or even pimples. So, the serums that are easily absorbed or fluid emulsions are more suitable for the combination and oily skin types.

The age is not the absolute criterion for choosing a moisturizing cream. Younger people usually have increased sebum production and therefore have more oily skin types; however even at older ages, the facial skin can remain oily and not tolerate rich-texture, thick creams.

In the summer months, also, with the sweating, we must use skincare products that are easily penetrated into the skin so that not melting and leaving with sweat. For the same reason, we use the rich-texture, thick creams at night and not during the day.

The day creams must contain Sun Protection Factors (SPFs) as well as moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, ceramides, urea, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid and Vitamin B5; while the newest formulas of creams that have anti-aging properties contain also antioxidants that inhibit free radicals due to sun exposure, heat and pollution (e.g. resveratrol, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), polyphenols, niacinamide, flavonoids, etc.).

How can we hydrate our facial skin properly?

It is necessary to remove make-up daily and also to thorough cleanse the face. Thus, dirt, dead skin cells, and other unwanted surface debris are effectively removed. Only then, the skin is ready to be hydrated. 

For the sensitive eye area, we choose unscented eye creams that do not irritate the area and contain antioxidants, Vitamin K to enhance microcirculation as well as moisturizing ingredients as the area around the eyes is very thin, dry and easily dehydrated forming fine lines and wrinkles.

The hydration increases the skin’s elasticity; that’s why the girls in adolescence must moisturize their skin on a daily basis to prevent streaks (stretch marks) in areas that grow into volume (breasts, thighs, buttocks). The importance of hydration is known, for the same reasons, during pregnancy.

In some cases, such as in atopic dermatitis (eczema) where pathological skin dryness is noted, the use of moisturizers is essential and keeps the condition in remission. In this case, the moisturizers need to have a special composition with rich moisturizing ingredients that also have a soothing effect (urea, oats, ceramides, etc.) and must be used at least twice a day.

To avoid skin dehydration in general, it is good not to take very hot and long baths or showers, to make sure that the air in the bedroom is not too hot and dry, to avoid sunbathing and solarium and to drink plenty of water. It is known that alcohol and coffee dehydrate the skin due to their diuretic effect, therefore try to replenish the water loss drinking extra water when we consume them.

Another part of the body that often needs hydration is the hands. The excessive hand-washing, the use of antiseptics and the exposure to the cold weather afflict the skin of the hands to the point that they often crack, peel and show tears and cracks.

The protection with gloves during the contact with water and cold weather as well as the frequent use of moisturizers protect against dehydration.

Concerning the facial skin hydration, there are many intensive hydration treatments in the clinic.

Injectable Mesotherapy

In specific, the injectable mesotherapy offers fast, effective and high-quality deep hydration. The hyaluronic acid that is usually contained in the injected ingredients, it effectively moisturizes the skin for a long time, helping to its restoration and regeneration. When we do not choose injectable methods, oxygen therapy or very light-depth peelings (e.g. mandelic acid peeling, glycolic acid peeling in low concentration) is an ideal solution for dehydrated and tired skin, offering an instantly radiant and relaxed look.

All the moisturizing treatments that are applied in the doctor’s office are accompanied by the application of special masks that release peptides and vitamins on the skin’s surface and enhance the result even more.

Therefore, the hydrated and fresh skin is not only a privilege of youth, as long as we make the right choices on a daily basis consistently.

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Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

Facial cleansing BEFORE-AFTER

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