Dermabration with Microcrystals

It is one of the most popular facial treatments for both women and men, as it combines an immediate effect without any irritation, pain or flaking).

This treatment consists of 2 stages, the exfoliation stage where microcrystals glide on the skin and remove dead epidermal cells and the stage of the vacuum suction where very small microcrystals are launched and aspirated by a special device onto the surface of the face, removing dead skin cells and excess sebum. This is a form of mechanical exfoliation (scrub) that is much more powerful and much less irritating than home scrub. The intensity of the spray and suction is controlled by the dermatologist, is homogeneous and is adapted to the needs of each skin type. A rougher and oilier skin requires more treatment intensity than one with a thinner skin type. Also, the volume fluctuates according to the areas of the face. In areas with thicker skin (e.g. nose) or when we have oiliness or dark spots, these are dramatically reduced by using microdermabrasion at increased intensity.

The results are immediately visible and the face is more radiant, brighter and clean without any irritation. The exfoliation that is caused is mild, uniform and invisible. One can apply makeup and return to the daily activities and work immediately, without any problem. The patient can even be exposed to the sun and that is why this treatment is applied all year long. It is suitable for all ages; in the younger people offers a cleaner face and in the older ones the skin looks firmer, more toned and more youthful.

Microdermabrasion is combined with all the injectable treatments and ideally with mesotherapy for anti-aging. The ingredients used for mesotherapy penetrate perfectly after the microdermabrasion and have the optimal absorption and efficiency. The frequency of treatment may be once a month or more often for the oily skin type. The cost of each session is 80€, while the combination with mesotherapy costs only 150€.

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