Cellulite: a Feminine Matter

Cellulite is an aesthetic and not a medical problem that occurs in 80% of women at some point in their lives. Although it is a common condition, women demand treatment.

Cellulite is a very common skin condition in women which is caused by the protrusion of fat within fibrous connective tissue. That means the uneven appearance of the skin in areas where fat is usually deposited in the female body. The main cause is not the excessive fat deposition but the poor quality of the surrounding connective tissue. Cellulite is an aesthetic and not a medical problem that occurs in 80% of women at some point in their lives. Although it is a common condition, women demand treatment.

When cellulite affects areas with a lot of fat or there is a reduction in lymph flow, an inflammatory reaction is caused and can be painful under pressure.

Other factors that promote cellulite are increased fat deposition. In this case, the proper diet with adequate protein intake (collagen building block), the avoidance of salty foods that cause fluid retention, the intake of plenty of water for the same reason, the reduction of caffeine and alcohol that cause dehydration as well as the antioxidants intake that reduce inflammation, can help.

Cellulite has different grades. It may be visible only when we press on the skin (Grade 1) or it can be very intense (edematous cellulite) or even painful (Grade 4).

Finally, the intake of hormones and contraceptives as well as the normal hormonal fluctuation, can affect cellulite through fluid retention.

As methods of treatment, in addition to reducing excess weight and the proper diet, we must also include exercise that helps a lot because the blood flow to the tissues is increased while the stronger muscles and the skin above them are stretched.

However, cellulite can persist even when we eat properly; maintain a good weight and exercise.

The creams do not really help. They mainly smooth the skin as the lipolytic substances cannot reach the depth of the skin.

If we would like to improve the appearance of the skin in the problematic areas, we should improve the density of the skin through radio frequencies.

It is about a device that uses radio frequencies technology with spectacular results in skin tightening and cellulite improvement. (magicpolar). It is a painless treatment without bleeding that needs however 8-10 sessions, 1 per week to attain better treatment results. Then, 1 session per month for maintenance is needed. It takes 20 minutes per area (i.e. 40 minutes for feet, for example) and leaves no marks. It can be applied in winter / summer but it is good to start the treatments early so that in summer to have only the maintenance treatments. The skin gradually becomes smoother to the touch and appearance while for the more demanding patients, it may be combined with mesotherapy. These are injections with tiny needles in the areas where the problem occurs and contain lipolytic substances, as well as substances that improve the microcirculation and help to remove the swelling (edema) from the area with cellulite. For those who do not want the injections, the application is performed with special mesotherapy rollers.

Finally, when we treat sagging skin, the application of threads can be very helpful. Several threads are needed per area. This treatment is more suitable for slim women with a localized problem.

The elimination of cellulite may not be possible to be completely achieved but the improvement is achieved in all cases. Science has advanced so much that every woman has the image (body, figure) she deserves as long as she follows the right direction (she makes the ‘right steps’).

Video: Θεραπεία με ραδιοσυχνότητες για σύσφιξη/κυτταρίτιδα

Video: Νήματα σώματος ως θεραπεία χαλάρωσης κυτταρίτιδας


Mesotherapy for cellulite - After 6 Mesotherapy sessions

Mesotherapy for cellulite - After 6 Mesotherapy sessions

Mesotherapy for cellulite - After 8 radiofrequency treatments

Mesotherapy for cellulite - After 8 radiofrequency treatments

Mesotherapy for cellulite - After 10 radiofrequency treatments

Mesotherapy for cellulite - After 10 radiofrequency treatments

Buttock cellulite treatment

Buttock cellulite treatment

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